Special Administrative Permit (SAP) Application


What is a Special Administrative Permit (SAP) Application? The SAP as it is commonly referred to in Atlanta is a permit application required for building projects located in one of Atlanta’s 17 Special Public Interest Districts (SPID), the Beltline Overlay & NC Districts. An SPI is a section of Atlanta that has been designated as having special […]

Understanding Design Bid Build

  Understanding Design Bid Build | Part I     This two part guide is designed to help business owners planning to work with an architect for the first time.   It’s important to note that while most design firms will follow their own established guidelines when working on a Design – Bid – Build […]

Atlanta Commercial Building Permit 101

Architects often receive a request from a small businesses to help them with producing a set of permit drawings. One thing we have noticed is that there is also a lot of confusion regarding the permit process. In this blog post we lay out some basics regarding permit drawings and Atlanta’s commercial building permit process . Atlanta like most […]